Tuesday, July 13, 2010

garden update

OMG WE HAVE MELON isn't that the most adorable little melon you've ever seen? 

Oh, and I did some major weeding!  Although "weeding" usually means "getting rid of all the unwanted plants" in this case "able to see brown stuff between the wanted plants" was deemed a win.  Added bonus in these pics: badass melon growth and what appear to be architecturally sound scaffolding.

I wouldn't have guessed that I'd like the lilies so much, but I think these are just arrestingly lovely.




Butternut squash growth

Thursday, July 08, 2010

More silly dog stuff

It's too hot to play outside, so we're learning more dog tricks. This time: how to put something in the basket, vs bringing it to me.

A twist on Abby's game of indoor walking fetch:

Buster, of course, is more pumped!

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

More garden pics

Last weekend, I built some scaffolds for the garden.  I think it's typically called a trellis, but that implies a certain aesthetic features that these lack.

The butternut squash:

The watermelon:

Additional pictures
I think this view is probably the most beautiful arrangement we've ever had in our garden.

The "charlie brown" magnolia. 
Two years ago:


Abby and I have been playing THE HOSE IS SO FREAKING AWESOME.
And I wonder why the dogs are so stinky.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The garden!

The garden!  I took the camera out to take a pic of the squash plant before it dies from the borers which are the bane of my existence.  [ETA: I find it ironic that one of the best organic pest treatments involves IV drugs BT.] I figured I may as well take some other pictures of the garden, which is gorgeous.

The squash plant

Teh butternut

The menardia really is magnificent.  Honestly, I was in favor of considerably thinning it, but Chris insisted, and I'm glad we kept it.  But we're definitely going to thin it a little before next year.

Menardia plus sunflower with magnolia on the side:

Menardia plus bellflowers plus hardy geraniums

...plus hydranga

The gourd plant is doing very well

Check out those tendrils!  So twisty!

Ta da!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Abnormally cute, even for Abby

Maxin' and relaxin'.

 When I took that first picture, I woke her up a bit.  Can you spot the difference in the second pic?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Going on two years!

Probably not a record for craptastic blog upkeep, but maybe close.  Just took some absolutely absurd pics of Chris and the doods, and ran across some equally silly ones of me.  The only way Chris won't send me a cease and desist for this post is if I keep it balanced by incriminating both of us.  The crime?  Excessive indulgence of lazy, snuggly animals. 

In my defense, Delilah settles down in my lap, on my hip, next to my head, etc, almost as soon as I stop moving.  It's not like I'd been there for a long time.  Really.

And...uh, basically the same story, minus Delilah.

Buster getting into position on the couch... 



This next set was taken the same day as the absurdity on the couch.  It's like this every single day.  We move from one pile of ridiculousness to another.  In Chris' defense, it's really cold, an I'm being a brat about the heat.  I mean, why run the furnace when you've got all that doodle?  (Did you see me walk right by the furnace/furry pun?  Walked right on by.)


Yes, Buster's tongue is poking out between his teeth while he's upside down and stretched out. 

Thus ends my little break from grading/writing/dissertating to share some cold Sunday afternoon silliness.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Grading or gardening?

Well, it's the last day of classes today. I took my French final last night, so I am now officially, non-negotiably, completely done with coursework. (I need to get a 12% on the final to get a B in the class, which is the minimum grade to fulfill the requirement. I probably didn't ace the final, but I'm going to go ahead and assume I got my 12%.)

So I meant to spend the morning finishing up some grading and get set up so all I have to do is plug in their final paper and woosh be done. Instead? I weeded. And took some long promised pictures of the plants.

Christopher gave us a bunch of red tulip bulbs last year, which we actually planted, in what I feel was a major turning point for us, since we had a poor track record on following through with planting (more on that later). The tulips are lovely.

They're the only early blooming plant that's survived, so while some might say it draws attention to our sparse bed, I prefer to think of them as regal, commanding all they survey.

I'm planting a pair of red twig dogwoods at the street-side corner of our patio fence. I'm not going for a screening effect; I just wantto break up the line of sight from the road to the backyard, giving us a little privacy. I've only planted one so far, and the still-potted yellow twig is going on the other side of the house near Maple Tree.

Speaking of Maple Tree:

We obviously don't want privacy from Colin and Christopher, both because we love them and because there's a lot of distance between our houses. However, the rental house on the other side is, like, 10 feet from our bedroom window. Said rental house is currently occupied by a young man whom we call the "Little Drummer Boy." Oh yes, he's a drummer. And not very good. It's not unusual for him to drum as late as midnight, and, on the weekend of the Little 500 (a week long Bacchanalia in Bloomington), he drummed for a solid 20 minutes at about 4 in the morning. This all bugs the shit out of Chris, understandably.

I, however, think LDB is a blessing.

We exist in a state of mutually assured destruction: he can never bitch about our dogs barking, which occurs not infrequently. When we have fosters, it can be a non-stop bark fest for days at a time. But LDB can never complain about it. And I find that reassuring. In return, I'm willing to ignore his pa-rum-pum-pum-pum.

At any rate, we do want privacy on that side, so I planted several Rose of Sharons outside our bedroom window (white flowers on either end, and a pink in the middle). If they do well there, I'm going to plant more.

And, uh, don't call it a comeback, but Operation Overseed is going well. I'm going to try to convince Chris to do some landscaping in the backyard this summer, but there's no telling if it'll happen or not. Note the dogs' path around the table.

And, finally, the Charlie Brown Magnolia. We sing the song often.

This little trooper has been in the garden for two years. It spent rather a lot of time on the porch, waiting to be planted, so the first year was recovery. Year two, it added maybe one leaf the whole season. I was assured by certain naysayers that it was either of inferior quality or had been irreparably offended by its early treatment. But this year, it's finally growing! Granted, it's still the Charlie Brown Magnolia, but I love it all the same.

So, that's the news from B-town.